
Lake Manyara National Park is a picturesque wildlife reserve located in northern Tanzania, at the base of the Great Rift Valley. Covering an area of approximately 330 square kilometers (127 square miles), the park is known for its diverse ecosystems, abundant wildlife, and stunning scenery.


Wildlife In Lake Manyara National Park

Despite its relatively small size, the park is home to a rich variety of wildlife. The park is famous for its population of tree-climbing lions, a unique behavior exhibited by only a few lion populations in Africa. Other predators found in the park include leopards and hyenas. You can also spot herds of elephants, buffalo, wildebeest, giraffes, and zebras. The park is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 400 species of birds, including pink flamingos, pelicans, storks, and African fish eagles.


The park derives its name from the shallow alkaline lake that dominates a large part of its landscape. Lake Manyara is a haven for birdlife, especially during the wet season when it attracts large flocks of flamingos and other water birds. The lake also serves as a habitat for hippos and a variety of fish species.

Scenic Landscapes

Lake Manyara National Park offers diverse landscapes, ranging from the lake’s shoreline and swamps to open grasslands, acacia woodlands, and dense forests. The Great Rift Valley escarpment forms a stunning backdrop, providing panoramic views of the surrounding area. The park’s unique terrain and vegetation attract a wide range of wildlife, making it a fascinating destination for nature enthusiasts and photographers.


The park offers several activities to explore its natural wonders. Game drives are a popular way to discover the park’s wildlife, with experienced guides leading you through different habitats to spot animals. Birdwatching is also a highlight, especially along the lake and in the groundwater forest. Nature walks and hiking trails provide opportunities to explore the park on foot, offering a closer connection with the environment. Picnic sites and campsites are available for visitors to enjoy the serene surroundings and have a relaxing break.

Cultural Encounters

Lake Manyara National Park is surrounded by several local villages inhabited by the Maasai people. Engaging in cultural experiences and visiting Maasai communities can provide insights into their traditional lifestyle, customs, and crafts.

The park, with its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and the iconic lake, offers a unique and rewarding safari experience. Whether it’s watching elephants wander through the woodlands, observing flamingos wading in the lake, or encountering the park’s famous tree-climbing lions, a visit to Lake Manyara National Park is sure to leave you in awe of Tanzania’s natural wonders.
